Our approach is different from many other chiropractic clinics.
What Sets Us Apart from Other Chiropractic Clinics
So, how are we different?
Your Future Health and Longevity are Connected to Your Posture
Everything in your body is connected through your body systems that are all powered neurologically. Dr. Wirth will evaluate you thoroughly to understand what’s going on from the standpoint of the cranial nerves that control your balance and posture. Then, each time you come in he assesses your status via a neuro-scan before giving you the necessary chiropractic adjustment.
Based on your assessment, your customized posture rehabilitation will consist of a series of movements and coordinated eye exercises for the office and at home. As you consistently practice on your own between visits you will move the needle quickly to greater strength and increased stamina.

The First Step to Living Your Best Life is Awareness
If nothing changes then you’re going to feel the same or worse. Dr. Wirth will work with you on your long term health goals and what you want from your life.
We do this by:
- Getting your input on your current health status
- Providing a thorough neurological evaluation
- Giving you a detailed wellness score
- Establishing clear goals for your health journey
We look at understanding what’s going on neurologically and in your body. It can be as simple as how your eyes are tracking and how you’re moving. Our goal is to start you on the path to recovery by discovering root issues and develop a plan together to solve them.
You Will Receive a Customized Treatment Plan
You will receive a customized treatment plan
The posture rehabilitation and exercises will be custom-fit to your lifestyle and health goals.
We have a philosophical difference with some specialists who focus mainly on pain relief. In the short-term it is helpful but it doesn’t last. We want more for you. We want to see you stand tall, gain energy and live a healthy productive life so you are able to do what only you can do.
Happy Customers
Stories from People Just Like You We Have Helped
Improve your Health and Work Performance Now with 7 Postural Neurohacks
Posture is deteriorating at the speed of technology. The many hours spent straining your neck as you sit in front of your computer, on your phone and on your commute are taking their toll – and you don’t even know it.
Some experts are going as far as to state that “sitting disease” is the new smoking.
You can change that starting now!