How To Start Your Journey
Thank you for taking a moment to visit our website and start your journey to health and healing. Though this website is designed to answer many of your questions we recognize that there is no substitute for speaking with a friendly, knowledgeable team member to put your mind at ease and answer all your questions. That is why we encourage you to call our office today to see just how we can help you with your current condition and start you on your road to health and healing.
Please download the New Patient paperwork and you can fill it out before you come in.
The First Visit
TTo ensure that you will not have a wait time in our office, we STRONGLY encourage you to download and fill out the paperwork before your first visit. The first visit will include a time to talk to Dr. Wirth about what has prompted you to seek care, as well as your health needs and goals. You will be given a comprehensive neurological assessment followed by a posture screening. The information gathered from the first visit allows him to customize the right treatment plan for you along with posture rehabilitation exercises that will start you on the road to improved health and doing what only you can do.
Beyond the First Visit
Dr. Wirth will develop a comprehensive treatment plan just for you that is designed to help you achieve your health goals. He will go over all the assessment results with you and explain the causes of your health concerns. Following the report of findings, he will answer all your questions and provide his professional recommendations. Should you choose to begin treatment, you can expect any follow-up appointments to last approximately 20 – 25 minutes to allow time for your adjustment and posture rehabilitation.
Improve your Health and Work Performance Now with 7 Postural Neurohacks
Posture is deteriorating at the speed of technology. The many hours spent straining your neck as you sit in front of your computer, on your phone and on your commute are taking their toll – and you don’t even know it.
Some experts are going as far as to state that “sitting disease” is the new smoking.
You can change that starting now!