You deserve to live a long healthy life

Everything you need to get back to all the things you love
Chiropractic Adjustments
Why does having your body in proper alignment help? Your brain controls everything in your body and it does that through your spine and nervous system!
Issues with your spine can lead to your body not functioning, healing, or adapting like it’s designed. Over time, if that’s left alone, dysfunction can happen in the body.
Our primary goal is to detect and correct any spinal issues. It may take some time which is why you receive a custom-designed treatment plan based on your specific needs. The care you are under right now will not only help you attain optimal health but sustain it for the rest of your life.

Posture Improvement
On your first visit you will receive a posture scan that gives you an objective look at your posture. It measures the weight of your head and reveals other postural issues that need to be corrected. As you progress in your treatment plan you will be able to see gradual progress as your posture improves.
Posture Pump
This therapy decompresses and shapes the proper neck curve. We use it because it reduces and corrects forward head, neck and upper back posture. We have seen confirmed results from its consistent use.
Serola Belt
Dr. Wirth will test the stability of your sacroiliac joint. (If you were a house this would be your foundation). You may purchase a Serola belt that will normalize the function of this joint and can be worn for extended periods without causing muscle weakness or atrophy. With a strong foundation you can only get stronger.
Our premium-quality whole food nutritional products and supplements are tested rigorously for effectiveness, purity, and potency. We provide clinically formulated supplements that get results.
Our recommendations are based on research and testing for what your body most needs. Whether you’re trying to overcome a health problem or prevent future problems from occurring, our input can play a vital supportive role.

Posture Rehabilitation
The way you move, the way you sit, the sports you play and injuries that you’ve sustained all affect your posture and have left a mark on your body and those won’t go away by themselves.
Dr. Wirth will identify the specific neurological needs you have and you will be taught specific physical and eye movements that will retrain your cranial nerves and send the right messages to your involuntary posture system.
So many of our patients love this highly-focused movement and exercise based approach, that also helps them strengthen their core, improve balance and flexibility, and achieve their health and fitness goals. The benefits just keep coming!
Our Erchonia laser uses low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to alter cellular functions and provide noticeable pain relief. Similar to photosynthesis in plants, LLLT has a photochemical effect that naturally reduces oxidative stress and increases the production of ATP that your cells need to thrive. This way, the cell receives renewed energy to perform the job it is programmed to do, that is, repair every problem that might arise and bring things back to a healthy, natural condition.
These lasers have multiple FDA approvals for pain and reducing inflammation.

Fat Zapper
Our FDA-approved Zerona laser will help you quickly lose that stubborn belly fat and arm fat that won’t go away with just diet and exercise in as little as two weeks.
The Zerona laser provides a clinically-proven new treatment that painlessly reduces inches and removes stubborn body fat. It is a safe, effective, FDA approved treatment. There are no needles, no incisions and no recovery time needed.
Functional Medicine
Dr. Rodney is now a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner. We can help you get started in finding root causes for health challenges. Be sure to call and ask about out introductory questionnaire and detailed reports to follow.
- Discover and address root causes of health challenges
- Find results for your blood work with optimal ranges
- Take control of your life through healthy lifestyle choices
- Decrease inflammation by eating the right foods
- Restore balance and movement
- Activate your immune system
- Tap into simple secrets to rejuvenation
- Increase your health span so you get to do what only you can do
Based on the results of a comprehensive questionnaire you can begin a journey to a vibrant future.

As you know, people are sitting more and more every day. Due to sedentary lifestyles, many people experience postural stress which can manifest in a variety of ways.
To help combat this, we here at STANCE Chiropractic use the latest technology, an Amfit Scanner, to take a custom scan of your feet in just two minutes. This scan provides you with a detailed report which is full of invaluable information and is used to create customized orthotics specific to your body, posture, and lifestyle.
5 Reasons to Get a Pair of Custom Stabilizing Orthotics:
- EASY, PROVEN CONSERVATIVE CARE – Amfit orthotics are proven to reduce Low Back Pain by 34.5%. Low back pain is the #1 cause for missed work, and is a leading cause of the current opioid crisis.
- SYSTEMETRICAL FOUNDATION – Problems in the feet can cause problems throughout the rest of the body.
- HEAL STRIKE SHOCK REDUCTION – Innovative materials absorb shock, which helps reduce pain and discomfort caused by heel strike while walking.
- IMPROVED PERFORMANCE – Studies show Amfit orthotics help increase drive distance on the golf course and reduce pain in those who stand all day.
- DYNAMIC FUNCTION – Your balance and the way you walk are improved by wearing Amfit orthotics.
Improve your Health and Work Performance Now with 7 Postural Neurohacks
Posture is deteriorating at the speed of technology. The many hours spent straining your neck as you sit in front of your computer, on your phone and on your commute are taking their toll – and you don’t even know it.
Some experts are going as far as to state that “sitting disease” is the new smoking.
You can change that starting now!