6 Ways to Reset the STRESS Button

In this episode, Dr. Rodney and Karen candidly talk about the cortisol connection to chronic inflammation. They provide 6 ways to stop the invasion of cortisol into your system. Your health will improve and you will enjoy life again.

Your adrenals and amygdala set off the following potential responses when you feel threatened:

  • Flight
  • Fight
  • Freeze
  • Fawn

Your body is elegantly designed to handle short-term stress. The sympathetic system releases cortisol to have the energy for one of those four responses. The problem comes when you do not have to fight or run but rather sit in traffic. 

Here are some ways to lower the cortisol that, in turn, will reduce chronic inflammation.

1) Put up the stop sign. 

You can literally put an imaginary stop sign in front of your face or take a break. This may simply be to change your perspective and introduce a different thought.

2)Go outside

Look at the horizon and get your bearings. A park is ideal because it will have a green space and the sounds of nature.  Let yourself feel the gratitude for beauty that surrounds you.

3) Ground

When you go outside, take off your shoes and walk on the grass or the beach. This connection with the energy of the earth will revitalize and restore your balance. 

For more information on this topic listen to the following podcast on the topic:


4)Take a deep breath (or two)

Shallow breathing is one of the ways that the sympathetic system prepares you for your emergency response to danger. Let the parasympathetic take over by taking a deep breath from your belly, holding it and releasing it slowly.

For more information on this topic list to the following podcast:


5)Plan your next vacation or get-away

The planning can be as much (or more) fun than the actual trip. We currently look forward to our Sabbath rest with the same anticipation as a less stressful Christmas celebration. You can also recreate memories.

6) Focus on the positive

You can only think one thought at a time so make them positive. It takes conscious effort and yet, can easily become a way of life.

Dr. Wirth will help you discover the root cause of your health challenges and deliver a personalized treatment plan to restore proper body function and provide hope to achieve your best future.

Your body functions best when you balance the basic elements of health. They are as follows: alignment/posture, nutrition, movement, rest and the belief your body can heal itself once the nerve interference is removed. When all your systems are functioning properly your body will be able to heal itself in what may seem like miraculous ways.

At STANCE Chiropractic we follow the groundbreaking principles oPostural Neurology. Dr. Wirth will evaluate you thoroughly to understand what’s going on from the standpoint of the cranial nerves that control your balance and posture. You will learn the process of Neuro-Rehabilitation movements both in the office and at home.

Many of our patients experience life-long results as they implement small changes every day and begin to move better, live better and achieve things they never thought possible.

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