8 Supplements to Protect Health and Promote Longevity

Do you remember the last time you went to purchase supplements? It can be overwhelming and confusing. Guess no more! In this episode Dr. Rodney and Karen share their personal list of favorites that keep them in prime health and promote their longevity.


The vitamin/mineral content of food is linked to the quality of the soil in which the food was grown. Not only is our soil depleted of critically important minerals, our crops/soil are exposed to huge amounts of chemicals that bind to minerals, making them unavailable for human nutritional requirements. This is called nutrition inflation, and the entire world is suffering from it. A quality multiple vitamin/mineral supplement is now necessary for the majority of people on the planet. Importantly, the supplement should not contain copper.


3,000 mg of EPA+DHA Omega-3’s from purified fish oil.

The Theory of Everything: the majority of dysfunction is linked to inflammation. The most critical driver of inflammation is the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats. Americans consume far too many inflammatory omega-6s, and far too few anti-inflammatory omega-3s.


Vitamin D3, 5000 IU (125 mcg)

Vitamin D does a lot more than build healthy bones. It is critical for immune system function and for brain physiology. Most Americans are significantly low in vitamin D levels and supplementation is necessary for almost everyone.


Magnesium (Mg++), 500 mg

Magnesium is a cofactor for the activity of 700-800 human enzymes. Magnesium is the most important mineral for accessing human energy; it also supports the heart, blood vessels, and brain. Most Americans are significantly low in magnesium and supplementation is necessary for almost everyone.

Click here to listen to podcast on magnesium.


Vitamin K2-4 and K2-7

Without vitamin K2-4 and K2-7, calcium is deposited into arteries, joints and kidneys. This is why most people who take vitamin D should also take vitamin K. Individuals with blood clotting disorders or those on blood thinning drugs, should talk to their doctor before taking vitamin K. Individuals taking statin drugs often need to double vitamin K supplementation, but again should consult their Healthcare Provider.


Co-Q-10 and PQQ enhance mitochondrial function. The mitochondria are the biological epicenter of aging; one is only as young as their mitochondria. Co-Q-10 production drops off significantly with age, and everyone over 40 or 50 years should supplement with Co-Q-10.


The most sensitive and susceptible human tissue to toxins is the thyroid gland. The thyroid is the “canary in the coal mine.” Iodine is required for thyroid health. Iodine levels are under attack by halogenated industrial chemicals such as fluorine, chlorine, and bromine, which are everywhere. “If you are not deficient at the start, iodine is still worth supplementing because it provides a supportive effect against many industrial chemicals.


Probiotics with Prebiotics

The microbiome is critical for health, immunity, neurology, blood vessels, etc. The microbiome is under assault from so many different reasons: antibiotics, pain drugs, chemicals including Roundup, birth control pills, dietary lectins, etc. This formula contains both probiotics and prebiotics for synergy.

Dr. Wirth will help you discover the root cause of your health challenges and deliver a personalized treatment plan to restore proper body function and provide hope to achieve your best future.
Your body functions best when you balance the basic elements of health. They are as follows: alignment/posture, intake, movement, rest and the belief your body can heal itself once the nerve interference is removed. When all your systems are functioning properly your body will be able to heal itself in what may seem like miraculous ways.

At STANCE Chiropractic we follow the groundbreaking principles of Postural Neurology. Dr. Wirth will evaluate you thoroughly to understand what’s going on from the standpoint of the cranial nerves that control your balance and posture. You will learn the process of Neuro-Rehabilitation movements both in the office and at home.

Many of our patients experience life-long results as they implement small changes every day and begin to move better, live better and achieve things they never thought possible.

Call 972-802-8812 to set up your appointment.

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