Reflections on Rest

Dr. Rodney and Karen reflect on their weekend experiences. The last two years have been tough on families when they stopped getting together.

Reconnecting to family is vital because that is part of the strength in residents of the Blue Zones where people live long lives without disability.


Concentrate on the moments of connection because they are precious.

Take every possible opportunity to get out of your comfort zone.

Increased creativity and awe of God.

Rejuvenation comes from the pause because your senses are reawakened. There is such a feeling that comes from being in nature.

Enjoy every sunset whether it is cloudy or clear. 

The play of contrasts coming from discomfort – heat and cold. 

The hope of another generation needs to be kept alive.

Listen to the birds and other sounds of nature.

Start traditions and keep them. Adapt and mold them. Get the pictures consistently.

What do you need to reconnect? What are creative ways to get those hugs? How can you begin that process?

Dr. Wirth will help you discover the root cause of your health challenges and deliver a personalized treatment plan to restore proper body function and provide hope to achieve your best future.

Your body functions best when you balance the basic elements of health. They are as follows: alignment/posture, nutrition, movement, rest and the belief your body can heal itself once the nerve interference is removed. When all your systems are functioning properly your body will be able to heal itself in what may seem like miraculous ways.

At STANCE Chiropractic we follow the groundbreaking principles of Postural Neurology. Dr. Wirth will evaluate you thoroughly to understand what’s going on from the standpoint of the cranial nerves that control your balance and posture. You will learn the process of Neuro-Rehabilitation movements both in the office and at home.

Many of our patients experience life-long results as they implement small changes every day and begin to move better, live better and achieve things they never thought possible.

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