Stress and the Endocrine System
General Adaptive Syndrome is the result of stress. Start taking steps to reduce stress and improve your health.
General Adaptive Syndrome is the result of stress. Start taking steps to reduce stress and improve your health.
In this episode, Dr. Rodney and Karen talk about a complex system in your body that controls so many functions – the endocrine system. You will gain a foundation of what the different parts of the endocrine system are and how each gland interacts in releasing the hormones you need to live a healthy and long life.
Since the lymphatic system does not have a pump, you must be intentional in excreting poisons from you body. T his podcast gives you five of the easiest, simplest and least costly to do so.
Here are simple ways to activate and accelerate your lymphatic system to get it flowing in order to remove toxins. and poisons that can cause a host of nasty symptoms. Start now!
Dr. Rodney and Karen will talk about a vital body system that you might be ignoring. To do so can result in some surprising symptoms (wait for them at the end of the episode).
A healthy lymphatic system is vital to the flow of circulation, filtering lymph and blood, getting rid of pollutants and fighting infections. Stop ignoring yours.
Rest and living stress-free are critically important to your longevity. Dr. Rodney and Karen speak about their recent experiences as they reconnected with family.
Dr. Rodney and Karen discuss how a certain food additive causes you to crave all the wrong food. That additive is a flavor enhancer that can be found in almost every pre-packaged food whether considered junk food or a healthy snack.
In this episode Dr. Rodney and Karen share their personal list of favorite supplements that keep them in prime health and promote their longevity.
In this episode Dr. Rodney and Karen talk taking responsibility for your own health. You must be intentional about your health and swim up stream.
Posture is deteriorating at the speed of technology. You can change that starting now!