What does your future health look like?

In this episode Dr. Rodney and Karen talk about our health system and taking responsibility for your own health.

As you age, you might be expecting to take more and more medications with a somewhat fatalistic approach to the advancing years.

How old would you like to live to be if you could be disease free and free of all symptoms with your brain, your joints and your organs disease free?

We get a variety of answers in the clinic and most people say they would like to live to see their grandchildren.

Unfortunately, in our country the top two reasons for death are opioid overdose and suicide.

Root causes and prevention do not seem to be on the table with our health system. If you have pain, get to the root cause of that pain instead of taking a pill to mask it.

Pain tells you something is not right and for long-term results you will need to change your lifestyle. That is what we do at Stance Chiropractic.

You are not helpless when it comes to your health yet you must be intentional and swim up stream.

There ARE things you can do just like those who life in the Blue Zones – areas in the world where you have pockets of centenarians. Here is a link to a podcast that covers some of this information about the eating habits of centenarians in Italy and Japan.

Statistics on World Health ranking for the United States (USA):
The Western medical mindset is of ranking health based on obesity, tobacco, clean air and clean water.
USA spends over $9400 per person on health issues.
USA ranked 36th (just behind Costa Rica).

We can change those statistics one person at a time.

We are here to help you take your Stance for Health.

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